Saturday, February 10, 2007


Odd things happen at odd hours. Well, talking to a friend at an extremely odd hour of the day, the friend asked, " Aksha, is hope good or bad?" I replied fast, "Duh! Its a good thing."

Friend: "You aint thinking. "

Sure, I was not thinking and since that night, I have been pondering on this question and have not stopped yet. 'Hope' I get the answer by blogging. :)

Hope. This word has been used by human race extensively. Our mythological texts and so many of their events have the elemant of hope involoved. My bollywood has used the word hope and made the audience cry with the mother that hopes her son will get well soon, the heroine hopes her love come back to her and blah blah blah.

Since, the conversation, I have been thinking. This hope that we rely on so much is it crippling us? Is it making us impractical? Is the relief that it provides transient? Is it giving us false expectations? I have been thinking about all this and think that hope is actually not that good as i thought it was. For so many, hope is the thread to live on but hope is this evil force that keeps us in dark. It actually helps us to escape from the bitter truth. Its like Astrology. All sugar coated lies.


Anonymous said...

That's not a very well thought-out opinion.

Hope is neither good nor bad. It's the way we use it that makes it 'good' or 'bad'.

Hope is what twists reality to obtain the unobtainable. Blind hope is what gets one six-feet-under.

Anonymous said...

umm i disagree with you, hope is the only thing which keeps us going n more often than not what we hope for is very much attainable(unless its sumthin impractical like the perfect guy for eg;) lol 14th feb culdn help it:D anyways im glad there r people who have hope cos v wuldn have been wher we are now using a a comp, the net n various other things if ppl had not believed n "HOPED" :) i hope for a lot of things some of them can be achieved rite now some mite take a complete century but whatever time it takes the hope i have will help me do my bit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry came in late to read ur blog entry.anyways, uhm i think u finished it too soon. u just left the idea there in the air-add in one more para just for the sake of readers like me.he he!.

As for comments on ur blog entry - ha ha unconventional topic. so good thing is that u do give ur readers variety.

As for the idealogy hmm "Hope" gives rise to expectations. The expectations maybe realistic, unrealistic, good or bad.But Hope as such is good.It makes you dream, gives u goals and lends u strength.

One of the reasons we humans pray is beacuse we hope.And after every fall it is the hope to rise that gives us strength to give life a second chance.

ha aha sorry this comment looks more like a blog! not going to take ur i end with just two commments - thought provoking but expand it coz I feel u had some more to say but left it there. ha ah! and I "hope" u do keep!

Aksha said...

Too many people who believe hope is a good thing here. And yes, would love to know more from Mr./ Ms. Anonymous. Disgusting is a little too vague fer me and ppl please leave names!

AC: Maybe, a bad or good opinion. I guess I am too practical.

Tripti : I believe when you fall, its not hope but motivation that will help you stand again. I could be twisting words but definitely not hope.

Khushboo: Babe, I guess its too abrupt. Next Time, will give you more words to read!

Anonymous said...

All I'm saying is that you can choose what you want hope to be (good, or bad), given the situation.

Unknown said...

oh hey aksha..its aprameya(hope u remember!!)...i thought this idea of urs ...that hope could also have a negative connotation an extremely innovative one...its only human beings that try really hard to get ideas and abstractions floating on a completely different realm already into their own by tingeing it with good or bad allusions....when none are good or bad except good or bad respectively....hehhe

and sometimes u cant even justify something being right fer you by saying thats what u wanted coz who knows u could have gotten something that would obviously have touched ur life differently ....but...who decided it was better anyway...the guy who told that to u????

hehhehe sry i could drift all day...
stop me b4 i get out of hand!!!!hhehe
i enjoyed ur blog though@@@!!
go at it!!!!cheers