Friday, November 10, 2006

My Watchman Baalraj

If you live in my apartments, then you surely wake up listening to one of the residents shouting, Baalraju or Baalraaj or like my mum Balraj (The punju effect). This does not happen only in morning but goes through the day. So, why am I writing about Baalraj? Well, I do not know but in a certain way, I think he is a hero. Atleast, for his family. I have seen him working non-stop so that his wife and three kids get the best that he can give in hi capacity. So, if in the morning, he is picking huge granite slabs. Then, at night, he is ironing clothes with that heavy coal iron. He sends his kids to an english medium school and I have never seen him drunk or ill-treat his wife. I have never even seen him angry. He is always got this silly grin on his face. Ever ready to take up work of any sort, I think men like my watchman are the key to India's growth.

I have seen so many maids we had hired earlier, suffering because of their husbands. These men would take all the money earned by them and spending on dirty alcohol. They would ill-treat their wives and not send their kids for even basic education. One of my maids actually fought hard with her husband and would come home to work with bruises. Why? She wanted her children to atleast be able to read numbers on buses because she could not read them herself. I think people like Baalraj are key to India' success because obviously they are providing education to their children. Above that, they are proving to be good role models for their children. Children take to their parents and act like them. So, for kids whose father drinks and abuses their wives, they think it is normal to do so and grow up to be exactly like them. A vicious circle of sorts is created. Here, Baalraj is creating a conducive and clean environment for his children to grow up. Being illiterate himself, he is providing the right values to his kids which sometimes even literate parents fail to provide to their kids. He is hard working, does not drink, a beleiver in good education, caring and affectionate to his kids. What more qualities do we want instilled in our future citizens?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

.. and such is the power of education.