Friday, October 27, 2006

I have no clue what is it about college, but it makes you lazy in areas where one should not be. Like right now. in exactly 14 hours , i have an exam and I have not flipped a page of my textbook! If i were now in school, I would have been scared to pits but here I am shamelessly writing about my acts of shamelessness. The only thing that comforts me is that three of my friends (who I can count) are also away from their books. They are studying in the best colleges of India and their GPA's remind one of a certain book written by Chetan Bhagat.

So, is this what college means? Foregoing studies and blogging or is it just a phase? I heard the difference between school and college but here I am living the difference. Absolutely, no worries about even scoring a 50 in my studies. There is also no worry about even attending college. There is no worry about anything that one is scared about when in school. It does not matter whether you are a teachers pet or not, regular or not and the best of all, in class or not. So, is college all about freedom and am I abusing the freedom I am getting? Help!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

babe, like i've said before, it's all a choice you make. you get to decide when it matters and when it doesn't. and anyway, everyone does through that first sem honeymoon phase. once you get into your second sem, you begin to care anyway.

and even otherwise, it's francis. who gives a fuck!